Go Into Books Completely Blind. Trust Me.

I once read an article where the author argued that they welcomed spoilers and even read books out of order, including later books in a series before the first ones. I was both horrified and appalled.

There are precisely three things I hold dearly sacred on God’s green earth:

1) Never sitting on a bed in outside clothes.

2) Never going to sleep without washing your face or brushing your teeth.

3) Going into books completely blind and spoiler free.

Plot synopses, summaries on the back or inside flap of a book, or even knowing the genre can give away too much information. Reading a book is about going on a journey, discovering new worlds, and unraveling plots and adventures. Any information known beforehand takes away from that sense of adventure, intrigue, and mystery.

Here is a perfect example: one time, my niece was halfway through a book and I asked what it was about. She read me the synopsis on the back and it went (more or less) something like this:

Jane was a regular girl who lived on a farm with her parents, but she always dreamed of magic and adventure. One day, an old lady showed up and told her she was actually descended from a long line of magic sorcerers. So, she went off to boarding school to learn the ancient secrets of her ancestors. But when a dark power threatens to take over the world, can Jane and her new friends find the courage to stop it?

(First of all, why does this sound like the exact plot of Harry Potter, and second of all) when I asked which part of the book she was at, Jane was still at home on her farm! And the book was almost half over! And yet we already know alllll of what comes next! You see what I’m saying? It was like spoiling the entire journey.

Where is the surprise? The intrigue? I’m telling you; plot synopses are spoilers.

Another personal example is a domestic thriller I read earlier in my reading journey before I adopted my "no synopsis spoilers" rule. It said, on the back of the book, that the wife hires a hitman to kill her husband.

Only guess what. That didn't happen until (and I’m not even exaggerating) the VERY. LAST. CHAPTER. They really truly honestly put a whole entire spoiler on the back of the book! For everyone to see! Right out in the open! Infuriating.

You might wonder, "But p lydi, how do you choose books without knowing the plot?" My decisions are influenced by the title, book cover, broad genre categories, and reader reviews about how the book made them feel or the writing style. My own book reviews focus on my emotional experience while reading or broader writing styles, without giving away the plot.

For example:

  1. I cried.

  2. I was completely engrossed.

  3. I couldn't put it down.

Or emphasizing aspects like:

  1. Fast-paced.

  2. Effective flow.

  3. Unique sci-fi concept.

See, no spoilers there :) 

I highly encourage you to read your next book with as little prior information as possible. It can be much more adventurous and exciting to uncover the story as you read. If you need recommendations, don't worry, I've got you covered.

Check out my April Book Review with four 5-star recommendations.

Or how about recommendations from every genre.

And of course, I’m always advocating for non-fiction, as it’s my favorite genre.

Let me know what you're reading in the comments below or send me your suggestions. I'm always on the lookout for new ones. I'll be back soon with more reviews. Until then, peace out :)


July Book Review


June Book Review